First Christian Church of Perryopolis
Disciples Of Christ
I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe.
Facts about the Christian Flag
Pledge to the Bible
I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.
Services and Activities
Sunday Worship (Communion) 10:30 am
POW (Preschoolers Of Worship) children ages 0-3 during 10:30 am service
WOW (Wonders of Worship) children age 4-Third Grade during 10:30 am service
Youth Group (Grade 7-12), 1st Sunday of the Month 6:00 -7:30 pm
Kids Club (Grade K-6)
Lunch Bunch Bible Study, Monday 12:00 noon
Choir Practice, Monday 7:00 pm
Thrift Store -- Open Tuesdays from 9 am -- 12 pm
Thursdays from 9 am -- 3 pm
First Saturday of the Month from 9 am -- 2 pm
*Disclaimer: Members of the Perryopolis First Christian Church signed a release form (also located on the photos page) giving permission to the webmaster to post photos of themselves and their families on the church website. Please sign a release form or email the webmaster if you want a photo on the church website. If a photo was accidentally posted of someone who did not complete a release form and does not want their photo online, please contact the webmaster above through email and the photo will be removed from the website.*